Labour TD Joe Costello: “It is up to the media to stand by the Constitution in the first instance”

The political cowardice of Labour TD Joe Costello represents the effective abandonment by the political system of our democracy to the mercy of people like Denin O’Brien.

Here’s what the coward Costello had to say on RTE regarding the current constitutional crisis.

The constitution is absolutely clear on the rights of the members of both Houses in terms of privilege. And it states that ‘utterances made in either house wherever published shall be privileged’. I have thought that the media for too long have been subservient to big business with deep pocktes in this respect. I think in this particulaer case the media has to stand up, have to ensure that, and that includes RTE indeed, that the case that is put now in the courts is dealt with in a very comprehensive fashion.

In the first instance it is up to the media to stand by the Constitution.

Let the Irish people savour the bitter taste of the ultimate betrayal by our corrupt political system, as represented by this coward, to the interests of powerful oligarchs like O’Brien.

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The coward Costello

One thought on “Labour TD Joe Costello: “It is up to the media to stand by the Constitution in the first instance””

  1. What a day frenetic day with our judiciary humiliating itself between the Catherine Murphy and Seán Fitzpatrick fiascos, but jaysus settle down Ireland – nothing’s changed Ireland – nothing.
    Will corporate businessmen go to jail? – NO
    Will corrupt bankers go to jail?- NO
    Will corrupt politicians go to jail?- NO
    Will corrupt judges go to jail?- NO
    Will there be a newly elected left wing anti-austerity government in power in 2016 based on the principles of equality for all?- Fu*ck NO
    Our right wing upper middle class media will see to that.

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