Ivan's nag not at the races

Boss of Celtic Bookmakers, Ivan Yates, only got five golden minutes on Today with Pat Kenny (Friday) but, still, that must be worth at least €5,000 in commercial advertising rates. That’s a potential grand total of €35,000 for Ivan over the four day festival.

“What are you doing to me Pat? I’ll be ending up in Alice Leahy’s homeless list.” Ivan joked as he declared that the Alice Leahy Trust charity was “now up a whopping €1431” from his charity bets.

A listener called in to thank Ivan for winning tips and said he had taken a ‘right few bob’ from Ivan’s opposition. I’ll bet that opposition wouldn’t mind such losses in exchange for exclusive access to Pat’s show.

Here’s a suggestion to RTE for next year’s Cheltenham racing festival.

Send out a note to all bookmakers in Ireland inviting them to bid for a ten minute exclusive spot on Pat’s show for each day of the four day festival. A minimum bid of, say, €5,000 could be set but I’d be surprised if €10,000 couldn’t be raised for a deserving charity.

Either way, it would easily beat Ivan’s nag ‘Whopping €1431’ by a good number of lengths.

(Previous posts: Here, here and here).

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Pat Kenny