I know this area well. The roads around Dunkettle are already heavily congested, putting in another 600 houses with the current road system would make traffic levels chronic. But O’Flynn wants to carry on regardless, we will have to wait and see on this one.
He said that given that the roads issue raised by An Bord Pleanala related specifically to the immediate area, Mr O’Flynn’s request for a meeting “will be arranged in the context of normal pre-planning discussions”.
The proposal by O’Flynn Construction also included plans to build an equestrian centre and a retail outlet adjoining the protected Dunkathel House and a garden centre, but these were deemed unacceptable and inappropriate by An Bord Pleanala.
Among the third parties to the appeal was Glounthaune Community Association.
It has welcomed the decision, particularly the planning board’s concerns that the project would have provided insufficient facilities while affecting the area’s amenities.
“This is a watershed decision for all communities in Cork in their stand against unsustainable suburbanisation,” said an association spokeswoman.
“We are not anti-development,” she added, “but we’re encouraged by this decision in continuing our efforts to consult and work with developers and the planning authority and are happy to participate in any future consultation process.”