Mass card petition: Acknowledgement received

I received a written acknowledgement today from the European Parliament (Petition Unit) in response to my submission regarding the criminalisation of those who sell Mass cards without the permission of a Catholic bishop.

Among other things the letter advises:

“Your petition has been forwarded to the Committee on Petitions which will, first of all, take a decision on its admissibility, i.e. on whether the subject of your petition falls within the sphere of the activities of the European Union. If the committee declares it admissible, it will then examine the substance of your petition.

The letter also advises me that the procedure may take some time.

4 thoughts on “Mass card petition: Acknowledgement received”

  1. I don’t think so Haymoon. They seem to be genuine and very professional. They speak of the large number of petitions and the requirement to translate everything into all EU languages. For me the the main thing is that the complaint is in the system


    Is Marcin Libicki is still head of the EU Petitions Committee?

    Check the Sovereign Military Order of Malta link on his Wiki page and his ultra Catholic social and political background.

    If one does a web search for Marcin Libicki and Opus Dei, hundreds of pages in Polish and Spanish come up.

    His immediate assistant in the EUPC (and the person who ‘fields’ questions regarding Ireland AFAIK) is Kathy Synnott; last in the news here (with her violent pro-life buddies) for disrupting a private meeting at a hospital in Cork where an expert was to discuss ‘do no revive’ patient care.

    I’m not great at maths, but…….

  3. Perhaps the government should turn its attention to child abusers and the people who helped cover it up before criminalising trade in mass cards?

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