Sometimes, sanity must take precedence

Sometimes the sheer scale of corruption, incompetence and ignorant arrogance that infects Irish public and business life can be a bit overwhelming.

I was listening to the radio yesterday while reading various media reports on the FÁS scandal, the C&AGs report, NAMA and so on when I spotted a headline on the RTE News website:

AIB to refund €400k in overcharged fees

Oh, I thought to myself, that must be an error, they must be referring to the recent Bank of Ireland overcharging incident.

Then I thought I must have somehow accessed an old news report on an AIB overcharging, but no, I was actually looking at yet another overcharging by this rogue bank.

As usual the contemptible Financial Regulator had no comment on the matter.

Ok I thought, that’s enough. I switched off the computer, made a cup of tea and sat out in the garden to enjoy the sun – sanity, after all, must take precedence.