Dermot Ahern's great burden of sorrow

You have to feel great sadness and sympathy for Justice Minister Dermot Ahern at his “huge regret” at being unable to engage in his hobby of windsurfing for the past two years due to his rheumatoid arthritis (Irish Independent).

The people of Ireland can only hope that Ahern’s massive retirement package will go some way towards easing the pain of this devastating loss of pleasure.

I’m sure, as the peasant class struggle to feed themselves over the next few decades; they will retain in their simple hearts a special place of warmth and worry for Mr. Ahern and his family.

One thought on “Dermot Ahern's great burden of sorrow”

  1. Im thinking about a special place of warmth for Mr Ahern
    which involves him being jabbed in the arse with a pitchfork
    for all eternity.

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