
I’ve been away for a few days and a lot has happened since.

On Saturday View, Justice Minister, Brian Lenihan was doing what he (and his father before him) does best – defending the indefensible. We had the usual pathetic excuses regarding Ahern’s unbelievable financial shenanigans.

It’s the media’s fault; it’s the tribunal’s fault; it was a vulnerable and traumatic time for poor Bertie, blah, blah, blah.

When a caller described the whole thing as media frenzy, Lenihan got a little carried away.


“There’s an awful lot of people turning off their radio sets this week, I met an incredible number and they weren’t all Fianna Fail supporters.”

Dave O’Connell (Presenter, in surprise):

“Turning off their radios?”


“They’re not interested.”


“Isn’t that a terrible indictment when you have the leader of a country being questioned and the public are not interested as to whether he did or didn’t get money?”
