It's an old story

A caller to the Pat Kenny Show related the following story.

In 1979 while working for a Japanese company he had the good fortune to travel there on business. The comment of an Irish State representative who he was introduced to has stayed with him.

“Let’s all have dinner courtesy of the Irish taxpayer.”

One thought on “It's an old story”

  1. My word, Anthony, but you are busy today.

    Seriously, the events surrounding FÁS over the past few days are mind boggling. As a retired middle rank civil servant I can vouch that any expenses I claimed during my tenure were scrutinised and pared to the minimum. Strictly speaking employees of FÁS are not civil servants but public servants and senior management therein have more freedom and discretion in claiming expenses. This of course does not excuse the extravagance publicised in recent times. The mooted abolition of the distinction between public and civil servants should be accompanied by the establishment of the most rigorous methods of transparency and accountability. I’m not holding my breath!

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