Sr. Stan is innocent – Now stop asking questions

Yet another journalist has come out in defence of Sr. Stanislaus Kennedy.
Writing in the Irish Daily Mail Brenda Power says:

I know Sr. Stan and I honestly can’t accept that if she had a chance to save a child from torment, she’d have chosen not to act.

Power’s absolute certainty in this nun’s innocence is based entirely on her friendship and the good work that Sr. Stan has done over the years. She warns those who would disagree:

If the representatives of abuse victims continue to doubt this patently honourable woman they risk costing their cause public sympathy and support.

It is exactly this type of blind loyalty that created the environment that led to child abuse in the first place.

Brenda Power and Joe Duffy are not interested in the facts; they’re not interested in proper investigation.

They already know the truth based entirely on their personal contact with this nun and are, in effect, demanding that all further questioning be stopped immediately.

2 thoughts on “Sr. Stan is innocent – Now stop asking questions”

  1. Sister Stan is a typical liberal — only interested in the welfare her particular cause — traveller children. The others can shift for themselves.

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