Time to force civil servants and politicians to serve the state

The appointment by Fine Gael TD John Perry of his wife as a parliamentary assistant is just the latest example of how our gombeen political system works.

Wink, wink, nod, nod and when caught out, throw out the first thing that comes to mind – Ah shure it was just a temporary arrangement and I’m now appointing somebody else.

The gombeen system is backed up by a civil service that’s 100% loyal to the politicians and their cronies. Secrecy is the principle weapon but legislation is also a powerful force when it comes to ‘looking after’ the lads and ladies in Dail Eireann.

I rang the Oireachtas this morning to ask what legislation they were referring to when refusing to tell the taxpayers of the country how much it was costing them to fund the salary of Perry’s wife.

Section 37 of the Freedom of Information Act, I was told. I had a look and, while I’m no expert in the area, it seems to me that using this Act to protect the likes of Perry and his wife is an abuse of the FOI Act.

It is long past time that politicians and civil servants are forced by law to serve the people of Ireland and not their own selfish interests.

Independent Newspapers sensationally outs the real culprit for our economic collapse

An editorial in today’s Irish Independent unreservedly condemns the recent riots triggered by some anti-austerity protesters trying to blockade the opening ceremony for the new European Central Bank’s (ECB) headquarters in Frankfurt.

It is noteworthy however, that the editor sees the riots as secondary to the behaviour of the ECB towards Ireland.

The editor sensationally outs the real culprit for our downfall in 2008.

The design and implementation of the euro was at fault, in that it led to a one-interest-rate-fits-all scenario. This led to a dramatic fall in interest rates in Ireland and builders and bankers indulged in a spending spree that resulted in us buying and selling property to each other at ever spiraling prices.

Well feck it anyway. There was I thinking that the economic collapse was caused by our corrupt political system ‘looking after’ property developers and making sure there was absolutely no financial regulation to halt the greed and criminality within the financial sector.

And while I was digesting the dramatic news that the nasty Euro was to blame for all our problems I was struck by the difference in opinion by Independent Newspapers to the major and very violent riots in Frankfurt and the timid (by comparison) treatment of Joan Burton in Jobstown.

The ‘sinister’, ‘terrorist’, ‘Trotskyite’ behaviour of the ‘mob’ at Jobstown threatened to bring down the state, the sky was falling in, Apocalypse was upon the nation according to Independent Newspapers and other mainstream media.

But then, silly me, I realised the real thinking behind the editorial – Blame, blame, blame.

Whatever you do, never admit the truth, never admit that Ireland is a failed state, never admit that our political/administrative system is corrupt and beyond reform, always blame somebody else.

Blame Lehman Brothers, the EU, the Brits, the penguins in Antarctica but never… ever… blame the real culprits.

Poet Paul Durcan: 1916: Not to be commemorated

The poet Paul Durcan read out the following poem on Today with Sean O’Rouke. It’s a very accurate assessment of 1916 v 2016, of what Ireland has become.

Durcan also read a poem on RTEs weather women, well worth a listen.

1916: Not to be commemorated

The Irish Government has announced that 1916 is not to be commemorated in 2016 on account of their 150% rollback of the principles and ideals of the 1916 rebels.

The authorities wish to proclaim that they not cherish all the children of the nation equally:

That the people have no right to the ownership of Ireland:

That the people have no God given right to freedom:

That the nutrition of good government is inhumanity and rapine:

That the testosterone of proper administration is the pylon and the wind turbine:

That the people have no right to speak other than in celebrity cliché, media jargon, smart speak:

That all forms of humane speech are to be outlawed in the light of the disgustingly visionary utterances of the poets Pearse, MacDonagh and Plunkett and the gay causal words of the feckless McBride:

That liberty, equality and fraternity are prohibited substances in Ireland:

In 2016 anybody caught proclaiming 1916 values will be sentenced to solitary imprisonment for life in a windowless room in a ghost estate:

The 2016 logo, a brand Ireland will be in fake high-end Celtic calligraphy – fugg off.

Signed on behalf of the provisional government; the old hag of Beare.

Elaine Byrne: Misreading the political mood

Ceann Comhairle Sean Barrett was on Today with Sean O’Rourke desperately trying to explain the latest scandal involving his office.

Corruption expert Elaine Byrne tweeted the following in response.

Sympathy for the creeping attempt at politicising the position of Ceann Comhairle but manner of response does himself no favours.

This misses the underlying reason for this and other more recent incidents involving the Ceann Comhairle’s office.

The reality is as follows:

The first republic came to a shuddering and ignoble end on 29 September 2008 when the current political regime lost control of the nation’s economy.

Since then, the regime, which is irredeemably corrupt, has been desperately struggling to reclaim its full power and control.

This latest pathetic spat between the various groups that make up that corrupt regime is just the latest indication that they are failing, that the entire system is crumbling.

Meanwhile, the significant numbers of ordinary citizens who have been politically radicalized as a result of the oppressive measures taken by the corrupt regime to maintain its power are patiently, for the moment, waiting in the wings.

Naval marriage proposal an indication of how far Ireland has progressed

There’s an absolutely brilliant and heartwarming story in today’s Irish Independent where we see a naval officer, Lieutenant Grace Fanning, propose marriage to her girlfriend, Carol Brady at Fota Wildlife Park.

That a senior officer in the defence forces can openly and comfortably live her life as a lesbian is a very positive indication of how far our country has progressed since the dark days of religious oppression.

It’s certainly a million miles from 1971 when I was a young naval recruit in training.

One particular morning the entire training school was lined up on the parade ground.

Two recruits were then hauled in front of us wearing civilian clothes and carrying their suitcases.

As the two men cowered in fear and humiliation a short speech was delivered to the assembly warning all of what happens to those who engage in homosexual activities.

The two were then literally hounded off the base.

Hopefully, the upcoming referendum on same-sex marriage will not only pass but receive an overwhelming and resounding endorsement from the people of Ireland.

Congratulations to Grace and her partner Carol.

Haughey: A political gangster, pure and simple

The vast bulk of comment and opinion expressed in response to the current RTE Haughey drama can be described as delusional drivel.

But even delusional drivel can serve a purpose and in this case it serves a very valuable purpose.

It tells us in very clear terms that the current ruling elite and large sections of the media are still frozen in the warped mindset of the Haughey era that enabled him to engage in a decades long career of criminality and betrayal.

In order to differentiate between the drivel and the brutal reality of what Haughey was and what he represented it will be useful to spell out exactly the true nature of this particular individual.

Haughey was a political gangster, pure and simple. He possessed just one talent – the ability to see an opening for profit when it was presented to him.

And that’s what happened when he decided to get involved in politics in the 1950s. Ireland had finally decided to abandon it’s decades long policy of isolation and in particular its idiotic economic war with the UK.

Haughey and his cronies (the men in mohair suits) recognised the opportunities presented by the progressive economic and industrial policies introduced by Lemass.

Ireland could have gone down another road at the time if the criminal had been stopped but tragically for Ireland and its people, he won out and began to infect the governance of the country with the disease of corruption.

For the rest of his career he plundered the resources of the State without fear of ever being brought to account. The diseased culture he created is still alive and thriving today.

Personally he was an obnoxious individual who betrayed his wife and family, a man who robbed the fund collected to save the life of his best friend, a man who threatened and bullied anybody who stood in his way, a man without principle, courage or morals.

But most of all he was a man who inflicted massive damage on his country and its people while all the time fraudulently posing as a man of the people, a great statesman.

In a functional democracy such political scumbags quickly find themselves behind bars. In Ireland he was protected and assisted by all State agencies in his criminality and honoured with a state funeral when he died.

He is still admired by a disturbingly large number of people, particularly those of the ruling elite and their supporters in the media.

We only have to observe the response to the current drama to see how successful the traitor was in corrupting the judgement, principles and integrity of so many people.

I’ll be writing about a number of those responses in the next while.

Creighton's new party: Bizarre and a little sad

Totally bizarre and a little sad is how I would describe Lucinda Creighton’s launch of Ireland’s latest political party.

There she was with an unknown local politician on her right and a very well known person on her left who may, or then again, may not stand for election.

The nation was told that up to 100 people have been working since last April on planning the new party yet all they could manage in terms of policy was four bullet points of principle which any party could attach to their manifesto.

Yes, there may be more to come before the party is launched – again – in eight months time but by then the moment will have been lost, it will be old news.

It will just be another political party trying to find a niche in an ever crowding space and certainly not the revolutionary movement that’s required to bring real change.

Here’s why I think Creighton’s attempt to fill the political vacuum being created by the disintegration of the old corrupt regime will, ultimately, fail.

She was politically born and reared in the culture of that corrupt regime. All her contacts, friends and colleagues are members of the ruling elite that created and fully support that corrupt regime.

In common with a growing number of her fellow elites she has become aware that there’s something dangerous stirring in the undergrowth where ordinary citizens live out their lives voting for and paying taxes to the ruling class in return for a few crumbs from the table.

The fatal flaw in her efforts is that she’s an insider trying to reconfigure the rotten system by making a few cosmetic changes so that it can continue to enjoy the benefits of power.

In common with all her fellow elites she’s completely unaware that it’s far, far too late for tinkering with the system.

It’s time to get rid of it altogether and I see no member of the insider elite with the vision and courage to do that job.

The power that will destroy our corrupt political/administrative system will come from outside and, hopefully, that will happen sooner rather than later.

2015 will decide who wields power – the people or the corrupt ruling elite

To begin the New Year I’m going to restate the philosophy of this website.

Ireland is an intrinsically corrupt state.

By this I mean:

One: There is no independent state authority that has the power, resources, will or courage to challenge the rampant corruption that has done, and continues to do, so much damage to Ireland and its people.

This is no accident. Over the decades the corrupt body politic has ensured that all state agencies, including the police, are dependent on the favour of politicians if they want to keep their jobs and progress their careers.

Two: The proof of this fact can be observed every time corruption is brought to public attention. State agencies either ignore such corruption or, in many cases, actively take steps to protect the corrupt. The recent return of the Ansbacher files is a case in point.

Inevitably, this political/administrative corruption drove the citizens of Ireland over the cliff of catastrophe into the pits of despair in 2008. Since then the corrupt system has been desperately trying to reassert its power.

If it succeeds, Ireland will become a visible banana republic where the gap between the powerful and the powerless will become a permanent, and acceptably normal part of our culture.

To prevent this happening the people of Ireland need to rise up and destroy the system that has betrayed every principle of democracy and decency.

Talk of political reform is useless, that moment passed decades ago. Only the deluded believe that those who benefit enormously from our corrupt system will willingly push the button of their own self-destruction.

The people rebelled when the property tax was introduced. That rebellion was squashed when the corrupt system brought in the heavy artillery of Revenue.

The rebellion was re-ignited and became much stronger with the attempted introduction of water charges which politicised a significant section of the electorate.

But the rebellion is not about water charges, it’s not about any particular political party, it’s not even about this government.

It’s about the fact that the Irish people have finally woken up to the reality that they have been betrayed by a diseased and traitorous political system.

2015 will decide whether the people regain their democratic rights or are condemned forever to live under the oppression of the current ruling elite.

State attacks democracy and Credit Unions

I found myself checking the date today after reading this headline in the Journal.

The Central Bank wants to limit how much you can save in a credit union

No, it wasn’t April 1st so I concluded it had to be the latest, and certainly most sinister, attack by the State/Central Bank on Credit Unions in a blatant attempt to protect the interests of the greedy/corrupt banks.

Labour Senator Aideen Hayden is a traitor

Labour Senator Aideen Hayden is a traitor to Ireland and its people.

Hayden is a traitor because her loyalty is, first and foremost, to herself, to her party and to her government.

By definition, any politician who supports the type of stroke politics surrounding the McNulty scandal is acting against the interests of Ireland and its people.

Three times Hayden was asked to demonstrate her loyalty to her country and three times she chose to give her loyalty to the diseased political system that has brought catastrophe on the Irish people.

Do you think it was a stroke?

Hayden: I’m not in a position to say it was a stroke.

Was she incorrect in appointing him?

Hayden: I’m not going to say whether she was correct or incorrect.

Do we have openness and transparency here?

Hayden: Labour Party ministers when they are appointing members to state boards use the public recruitment process. I would suggest that Fine Gael does the same.

It could be argued that Heyden is not a conscious traitor in the traditional sense but that point is not relevant in Ireland any more.

Catastrophe was visited upon the Irish people in 2008 resulting in massive pain and damage to countless citizens.

Every political party has accepted that the political system played a major role in the disaster, it has been accepted that the system is not fit for purpose, that radical and immediate reform is urgently required.

This government, under the banner of a so-called democratic revolution, promised to implement such reform, to rid the country of stroke politics, once and for all.

This latest scandal give the lie to that promise. Hayden’s support of the lie places her in the camp of the traitors who have betrayed the country once again.

Hayden is not, of course, the only traitor. Taoiseach Enda Kenny is also a traitor and a liar, he lied when he said he would rid the country of gombeen politics.

Every politician who supports or defends this latest political stroke is a traitor. Every politician who fails to challenge this latest attack on democracy place themselves in the traitor’s camp.

The time for political reform in Ireland passed many years ago. The diseased system, peopled by gombeens, cowards and self-serving traitors, is irretrievably corrupt.

No reform will happen, no justice will be forthcoming, no democracy will operate until the rotten system is completely eradicated from our culture and replaced with a functional democratic system peopled by citizens who understand what it means to loyally serve their country.

Copy to:

Senator Hayden
Taoiseach Enda Kenny
Fine Gael